The cause for silver strip corrosion and solution to disqualification of jet fuel test were described.
互联网Occasionally, jet fuel may deteriorate and result in disqualification of silver strip test.
互联网Later, they'd figure out that flaming jet fuel had shot down the elevator shaft.
很快, 他们就确定了飞机撞断了电梯的钢缆.
——电影对白He's the one you found with the jet fuel, right ?
你们在他那里找到的机油不是 么 ?
电影对白Crude oil is refined into fuels in usable form, notably petrol, diesel and jet fuel.
人们把原油提炼成各种可用的燃油, 主要是汽油 、 柴油和航空燃油.
互联网Detected leak due to pipe flaw when the pipe system was initially pressurized with jet fuel.
互联网Jet fuel data are mixed.
互联网But did you know jet fuel doesn't burn at a high enough temperature to melt steel?
但是你们知道飞机燃料燃烧产生的温度并不足以熔化钢筋 吗 ?
电影对白Antioxygen agent suitable for gasoline, diesel oil, jet fuel and lube oil etc.
提高油品的抗氧化性能,适用于汽油 、 柴油 、 喷气燃料及润滑油等.
互联网Military facility for jet fuel transfer from large underground storage tank to aircraft re - fueling hydrant pit.
互联网Normalized operation procedures are key of jet fuel quality control during shipment.
互联网Speaker: China Aviation Oil Holding Co. - Jet Fuel Supply in China ""
主讲人: 中国航油总公司运销处 张连锡 处长 - 中国航油供应(待确认)
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